Valentine's day, celebrated on February 14th, is one of the most celebrated holiday in the world. This holiday has its own origins tracing back in ancient Rome. It is believed to be linked with Saint Valentine, a priest who secretly married couples despite a ban from Emperor Claudius II. Overtime, St. Valentine became a symbol of love and sacrifice. In the Middles Ages, Pope Galasius I established February 14th as St. Valentine's Day, as it become more associated with romance. Today, Valentine's Day serves as a special moment to convey love and affection and share appreciation to partners, family, and friends. Valentine's Day become as the most celebrated and recognized moment for expressing love and affection is due to a combination of commercial influence and historical evolution. The transformation of Valentine's day into a widely recognized celebration began in 19th century. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland, known as the "Mother of American Valentine,"...
In my journey through ICT for the 3rd quarter, I have learned a lot in making our Community Based Research (CBR) and making our own Web design. I learned that working with a community and the utilization of participatory research method can be a crucial way in order to collect important information. Aside from that, I can also think of recommendations to solve the problems that the community faces. Working on the Web design was also a great experience that gives me the opportunity to learn more about coding with HTML. In addition to this, it also introduces me to learn about Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). Learning this coding language helps me to design and style a HTML document. In this quarter, I also learned how important is to work together as a team in a group project. During the quarter, I didn't encounter any problems in ICT. The lessons were clear and manageable. I was able to complete tasks without difficulty and even enjoyed exploring new making our CBR and Web desig...